Nina famous quotes


  • It has been my firm belief, based on my research and investigations over the past half century, that UFOs and their occupants, which I have named "UFOnauts," are both real. These non-human occupants and their craft continue to be a part of an ever-growing global enigma.

  • She is my first, great love. She was a wonderful, rare woman - you do not know; as strong, and steadfast, and generous as the sun. She could be as swift as a white whiplash, and as kind and gentle as warm rain, and as steadfast as the irreducible earth beneath us.

  • Lawyer acted without authority from our band. He had no right to sell the Wallowa country.

  • There are millions in this country of people who bring a lot of qualifications to the table, but I feel that there's an opportunity to be a voice for those people - as somebody who has been a small business owner, who's worked in the tech community, who is a mother of two small children, but also has experience in the public policy arena.

  • I feel like I'm 100 years old. I can't tell you what I did today. I can't tell you what I did for seven years. I can't tell you. It happens so seamlessly - I'm just floating along and seven years go by.

  • Everybody loves birdsong. It's a human need... the sound of birds gives a deep, if sometimes almost unnoticed, pleasure

  • Part of the blame can be put at the artists' door, too - no question. But I see our involvement more as a consequence. When there is too much money at stake, the whole system gets corrupted. Artists can be very vulnerable to these mechanisms.

  • O power of fantasy that steals our minds from things outside, to leave us unaware, although a thousand trumpets may blow loud--what stirs you if the senses show you nothing? Light stirs you, formed in Heaven, by itself, or by His will Who sends it down to us.

  • The specific weight of the soul is equal to the sum of what has been dared.

  • [Crack epidemic] definitely has impacted folks in my family, most definitely. I think that's true for most, if not all people, regardless of color, that grew up in and around areas that were closer to the nucleus of the crack epidemic.If you look at Baltimore or D.C., Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, like, Los Angeles.