One Piece famous quotes


  • Aren't grown up people just little children at heart?

  • It's possible to love without sacrificing-but who would notice? For love is demonstrated only through sacrifice-without it, love is invisible.

  • In 1950, when the Giants signed me, they gave me $15,000. I bought a 1950 Mercury. I couldn't drive, but I had it in the parking lot there, and everybody that could drive would drive the car. So it was like a community thing

  • If we live in the here and now, each moment is a surprise, every instant a new wonder. But it often fails to work this way. Onto the present we superimpose our expectations and opinions, based on the past or future. We meet someone, and we already anticipate what he/she will be like and what they will say.

  • Mature people must find their own ways to cope with their own temptations.

  • The knowledge of self is the most important thing, because how are you going to know God if you don't know yourself? How are you going to know anything if you don't know yourself?

  • Through the darkness of future past, the magician longs to see, one chance out between two worlds, fire walk with me!

  • October arrives in a swirl of fragrant blue leaf smoke, the sweetness of slightly frosted MacIntosh apples, and little hard acorns falling. We are in the midst of cool crisp days, purple mists, and Nature recklessly tossing her whole palette of dazzling tones through fields and woodlands.

  • We can't underestimate the value of silence. We need to create ourselves, need to spend time alone. If you don't, you risk not knowing yourself and not realizing your dreams.

  • Every lover is a soldier. (Love is a warfare.) [Lat., Militat omnis amans.]