Polytheism famous quotes


  • Don't be an extra in your own movie. Move out of your comfort zone. Don't be afraid of feeling uncomfortable or awkward. Step-out and make it happen.

  • Sometimes the longer you are inside a prison, the harder it is to fathom what is possible beyond its walls.

  • You know I've had people come up and ask me to sign their guns. Sign my name on gun handles and holsters and stuff. I've done it once or twice for law enforcement officials, but when people do that -- and there have been quite a few of them lately -- I always tell them no. I don't want to do that. I don't want my name on that and I hope you use this gun, whatever its purpose is, I hope it's used wisely.

  • As a lifelong romance reader, its always satisfying to get to talk to other romance readers!

  • Darken your room, shut the door, empty your mind. You are still in great company.

  • Science offers us an explanation of how complexity (the difficult) arose out of simplicity (the easy). The hypothesis of God offers no worthwhile explanation for anything, for it simply postulates what we are trying to explain. It postulates the difficult to explain, and leaves it at that.

  • I'm not a great piano player.

  • Stock market corrections, although painful at the time, are actually a very healthy part of the whole mechanism, because there are always speculative excesses that develop, particularly during the long bull market.

  • I want to make the songs good. I think this is my main focus.

  • People here are funny. They work so hard at living, they forget how to live.