Opening Doors famous quotes


  • Religion is for people who fear hell, spirituality is for people who have been there.

  • Sometimes becoming drug free has less to do with addiction and more to do with sanity.

  • Humanity is regarded as unfinished, incomplete, imperfect. We have the possibility of completing ourselves, perfecting ourselves, and all that is necessary for this lies in us.

  • You can do anything you put your mind to, and you can do it in stilettos.

  • God does not love some ideal person, but rather human beings just as we are, not some ideal world, but rather the real world.

  • I'm not in a party. I am a party.

  • You know you are old when you've lost your marvels.

  • Although most Americans apparently loathe inflation, Yale economists have argued that a little inflation may be necessary to grease the wheels of the labor market and enable efficiency-enhancing changes in relative pay to occur without requiring nominal wage cuts by workers.

  • Maybe for others it was difficult to find a role that suited my type. But I never thought of myself as a type. I really thought I could play anything, quite frankly. And I have. Especially in the theater, which is where I came from. And I may go back to soon, as a matter of fact. To Broadway.

  • If you look on the history of art you observe how the most popular forms trample the rest. The abstract expressionists destroyed figurative work for more than 30 years.