Starlets famous quotes


  • A true shepherd leads the way. He does not merely point the way.

  • Repetition is the only form of permanence that Nature can achieve.

  • I owe all my success to stupidity.

  • When the world wants too much And it feels cold and out of touch It's a beautiful place When you kiss my face from The Woman In Me

  • I had lost faith in biography.

  • A pair of skis are the ultimate transformation to freedom

  • never judge anyone by their appearance, or the car they drive, or the house they live in, or even by the words they say. judge people by their actions. that's how you know whether they're bad or good." - perfect Summer

  • Love doesn't need to be doubted, tested or proven... it's meant to be shown, shared, and nurtured. Find your strength in love....

  • I think that the present is worth attention, one shouldn't sacrifice it to future conceptions of, of this future or that future.

  • Doubt is the father of invention.