Now piercèd is her virgin zone; She feels the foe within it. She hears a broken amorous groan, The panting lover's fainting moan, Just in the happy minute.
About the nicest thing God ever invented was alcohol. He's proud of it, too. The Bible's full of kind remarks about booze.
A rattlesnake that doesn't bite teaches you nothing.
I just think we need more accountability and more transparency.
People have been sharing pictures of their food for as long as there's been caves.
A gold standard is to the moochers and looters in government what sunlight and garlic are to vampires.
I would rather people take me as straightforward and not have to wonder if I'm kidding or not. Because what I have to say, and what I'm interested in doing and communicating, is worthwhile enough that I don't want to muck it up with people being confused about where I'm really coming from.
There is power in corporate fasting and power in corporate praise.
When I take a role I wonder how I can use it to find out who I really am. I don't think I'm so rare a person.
Every departure from class struggle has fatal results for the destiny of socialism.