Daniel Day Lewis famous quotes


  • Outsiders think of Silicon Valley as a success story, but in truth, it is a graveyard. Failure.. is Silicon Valley's greatest strength. Every failed product or enterprise is a lesson stored in the collective memory of the country. We not only don't stigmatize failure, sometime we even admire it. Venture Capitalists actually like to see a little failure in the resumes of entrepreneurs.

  • Personally, my interests are ancient history and ancient civilizations. In my own life, I'd like to go to places like Easter Island.

  • Trials are to see if you believe what you say you believe.

  • Then wear the gold hat, if that will move her; If you can bounce high, bounce for her too, Till she cry "Lover, gold-hatted, high-bouncing lover, I must have you!

  • Trump's not the future; his ideas and his coalition are a dead end.

  • I have possessed that heart, that noble soul, in whose presence I seemed to be more than I really was, because I was all that I could be.

  • Over a three year period, I gave away half of what I had. To be honest, my hands shook as I signed it away. I knew I was taking myself out of the race to be the richest man in the world.

  • You know the pain is part of the whole thing. And it isn’t that you can say afterwards the pleasure was greater than the pain and that’s why you would do it again. That has nothing to do with it. You can’t measure it, because the pain comes after and it lasts longer. So the question really is, Why doesn’t that pain make you say, I won’t do it again? When the pain is so bad that you have to say that, but you don’t.

  • I don't believe in having spaces in the home that don't get used. We pay so much for square footage that to waste it is criminal.

  • I'm convinced my mother only had sex eight times.