Product Design famous quotes


  • People ask me all the time would I like to still be playing? No. I'm glad I played when I played.

  • Always be nice to those younger than you, because they are the ones who will be writing about you.

  • When Spring is old, and dewy windsBlow from the south, with odors sweet,I see my love, in shadowy groves,Speed down dark aisles on shining feet.

  • The gray silence, the gray waves, the gray wastes of the sea.

  • Sometimes acting is really cool because it forces you to exercise certain muscles in your personality that you wouldn't normally be called upon in life.

  • Well, I didn't know how to draw very well back then, in the '40s and '50s.

  • I was born knowing that I had to be a painter, because my father, an art historian, always presented painting as the only acceptable thing in life.

  • What we really have to do is stop the adjective before the job title—whether it's 'black actor,' a 'gay actor' or 'anything actor,' Everybody thinks that equality comes from identifying people, and that's not where equality comes from. Equality comes from treating everybody the same regardless of who they are. I hope the media and the press catches on to that because it's time to move out of 1992.

  • I constantly make fashion mistakes but I think it's good to take risks.

  • The more specific and measurable your goal, the more quickly you will be able to identify, locate, create, and implement the use of the necessary resources for its achievement.