English Major famous quotes


  • Life is about balance too much excess is chaos.

  • Indeed envy is a defect; worse than any other.

  • The death I should prefer would be to break my neck off the back of a good horse at a full gallop on a fine day.

  • Right now, there is a stronger, more vibrant, more inspired version of “you” that is wanting and waiting to emerge.

  • All altruism springs from putting yourself in the other person's place.

  • When I'm a part of someone else's creative process, it's all about facilitating their ideas and hopefully bringing their perspective and making it a part of a song.

  • The eureka moment is two reasons why the output-based standard should be adopted: common sense and accountability. Input-based standards don't encourage energy diversity; they don't create any incentives; they don't produce solar, hydro, nuclear.

  • One night I had a dream and woke up and wrote down the dream. That was my first short story. The dream was a kind of fantasy of me getting revenge on my father.

  • Every people, every society, needs a culture of resistance, a culture of being difficult and disobedient, that is the only way they will ever be able to stand up to the inevitable abuse of power by whoever runs the state apparatus, the capitalists, the communists, the socialists, the Gandhians, whoever.

  • For a long time I have compared cinema to music, I think cinema has a lot to do with the rhythm of music