Durarara famous quotes


  • If my father was alive today, he would have fought for Kurdish rights

  • Champagne is one of the elegant extras in life.

  • You would think that everyone would leap at the chance to get rid of sin. Not so. They want relief not a cure.

  • Millions of American families affected by debilitating diseases have new hope today after the U.S. House passed legislation to support potentially life-saving stem cell research.

  • You spend so much time in your profession it ought to be something you love.

  • Boredom is the deadliest poison.

  • The greatest felony in the news business today is to be behind, or to miss a big story. So speed and quantity substitute for thoroughness and quality, for accuracy and context.

  • Language is the most imperfect and expensive means yet discovered for communicating thought.

  • I wouldn't touch Chimbonda with a barn door

  • You see, I have a policy about honesty and ass-kicking, which is, if you ask for it, then I have to let you have it.