Noble Deeds famous quotes


  • While you are looking, you might as well also listen, linger and think about what you see.

  • Little deeds are like little seeds, they grow to flowers or to weeds.

  • If you are in NYC and you only do one thing culturally go and see Carol Lipnik at Pangea. If you love music and appreciate great songwriting and singing, if you came to NYC to experience magical happenings in tiny rooms that could never happen anyplace else in the world, if you dreamed of intimate nights surrounded by smart, talented, interesting people, this is what you're here for. Now DON'T MISS IT!!!!

  • We are born to die tomorrow, and yet through books we are able to know events of thousands of years.

  • You don't know when you're being watched. That's one of the weird things about celebrity. It's my least favorite part of acting, celebrity.

  • Three marital bonds exist: Karmic, Dharmic and Cosmic. The first are of pain, misery, hunger, nakedness, disgrace. The second are of success, bliss, love, financial progress, etc. The third are only for the select, pure and holy souls and bring inexhaustible happiness.

  • We are made of star-stuff. Our bodies are made of star-stuff. There are pieces of star within us all.

  • I may be smelly and I may be old, Rough in my pebbles, reedy in my pools, But where my fish float by I bless their swimming, And I like the people to bathe in me especially women.

  • A pianist with skill, touch, musicality and a gift for making songs from songs. Plus, he can swing! Give a listen

  • I hate to date myself, but my earliest memories are Flash Gordon. I would love playing Flash Gordon in the neighborhood.