Deforestation famous quotes


  • I have a very ostrich mentality. I feel like I have my head in the sand so no one can see me.

  • There's no such thing as hurting someone for their own good. There's only hurting someone for your own good.

  • Relationships may change throughout the gift of time, memories stay the same forever in my mind.

  • i have found what you are like the rain (Who feathers frightened fields with the superior dust-of-sleep. wields easily the pale club of the wind and swirled justly souls of flower strike the air in utterable coolness deeds of gren thrilling light with thinned newfragile yellows lurch --in the woods which stutter and sing And the coolness of your smile is stirringofbirds between my arms;but i should rather than anything have(almost when hugeness will shut quietly)almost, your kiss

  • Nature, left to her own devices, finds it hard to produce anything that is ugly. The work of the plant breeder should always be to enhance nature, not to detract from it....we should strive to develop the rose's beauty in flower, growth and leaf.

  • That's why it's hard, I think, to rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. I love that line from the Bible, but it's so incredibly difficult sometimes, because when you've got reason to rejoice, you forget what it's like to mourn, even if you swear you never will. And because when you're mourning, the fact that someone close to you is rejoicing seems like a personal affront.

  • Gifts fall from heaven only in fairy tales.

  • Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue.

  • Nobody remembers the guy who finished second but the guy who finished second.

  • Who you allow into the circle of your life will make the difference in the quality of your life.