Right Stuff famous quotes


  • People who say that money can't buy happiness just don't know where to shop.

  • If you don't know how you feel, you won't know what you want.

  • Intelligent people surround themselves with people who challenge them, not yes people.

  • Look at me! I'm sweet and lovable!

  • If the Constitution is a compact, then the States have a right to secede.

  • A group of us started a community center in Santa Monica. We've tried different programs, and three have worked really well. A poetry group. Once a week we visit Venice High and talk to girls at risk.

  • GM is operating in an intensely competitive global environment and reaching this tentative agreement allows us to continue to build momentum in the market with the award-winning vehicles and components produced in Canada.

  • What you have to do in certain situations, that's called situational hitting.

  • Yo, why can't I speak out and then have fun? Why can't I just be a human? Why can't I just do what I want? People just want to keep you in one type of box or lane.

  • Honestly, not being well received makes me feel very vulnerable. Not being included or regarded highly enough makes me crazy.