Three Dog famous quotes


  • However, I can’t be happy. I feel I can’t have that experience, I can’t assume I will have that experience. I’m free but feeling lonely and disheartened. I hope there’s happiness out there; besides the future is approaching and waiting for me. In the future, I will be a part of the world. I will finally live my life.

  • We should not say how's business, but where is business

  • You can’t out-spend the giants, but you can out-think, out-teach, and out-help them.

  • There is power in simply speaking the name Jesus.

  • Religion is not an experiment, it is an experience of life through which one is part of the cosmic adventure.

  • Love is stupid. It has nothing to do with reason. You love whomever you love.

  • People who go into show business are screwed up.

  • I do not believe there is a problem in this country or the world today which could not be settled if approached through the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount.

  • I still don't feel whatever change you're supposed to feel when your name goes up above the title.

  • A man takes his sadness down to the river and throws it in the river but then he still left with the river. A man takes his sadness and throws it away but then he still left with his hands