Four Elements famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Music is a very personal and emotional form of communication.

  • I want so much for my lover. At night when our beds are drawn close together I waken and see his dear yellow head on the pillow - sometimes his arm thrown over on my bed - and I kiss his hand, very softly so that it will not waken him.

  • Star Wars is not entertainment. Star Wars is George Lucas masturbating to a picture of Joseph Campbell and conning billions of people into watching the money shot.

  • He'd stopped trying to bring her back. She only came back when she felt like it anyway, in dreams and lies and broken-down deja-vu.

  • All truth contains an echo of sadness.

  • Coming into the music industry, even when I was a kid, one thing I learned is timing is everything. You being prepared is everything.

  • All of us are like locks. No matter how strong the bolt, there’s always a key out there that opens it.

  • Just as darkness is born of the absence of light, the shadow side of our collective experience is born of ignorance of the underlying truth of the unity of life.

  • Some people have an unrealistic expectation when it comes to getting published; the fact is most publishers will turn down your work which is why you need to be persistent.

  • Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there?