Shears famous quotes


  • In the era of modern technology, people could just vote on their phones for who they want to be judges. We could amend all of the ways in which we select our leaders, with the advent of modern technology. We haven't done so. It's actually served us fairly well. Ours is the longest enduring constitutional, written constitution in the world. At the moment, I think it's strained. It's showing the strains of politics and a frustration.

  • Try to be one of the people on whom nothing is lost!

  • When I'm a man, I will be an astronaut, and find Peter Pan on the second star on the right.

  • There are no crown princes at Ford,

  • Rules are for the obidience of fools and interpretations of smart men.

  • Any religion is forever in danger of petrifaction into mere ritual and habit, though ritual and habit be essential to religion.

  • There is one sure way of telling when politicians aren't telling the truth - their lips move.

  • More varied than any landscape was the landscape in the sky, with islands of gold and silver, peninsulas of apricot and rose against a background of many shades of turquoise and azure.

  • A too explicit elucidation in education destroys much of the pleasure of learning. There should be room for sly hinters, masters of suggestion.

  • Friends are always friends no matter how far you have to travel back in time. If you have memories together, there is always a piece of your friendship inside your heart.