Zealous famous quotes
We begin our public affection in our families. No cold relation is a zealous citizen.
-- Edmund Burke -
The fear of Hell, or aiming to be blest, Savors too much of private interest. This moved not Moses, nor the zealous Paul, Who for their friends abandoned soul and all.
-- Edmund Waller -
A Hindu is a born mystic, and the luxuriant nature of his country has made him a zealous pantheist
-- Helena -
Be persecuted, rather than be a persecutor. Be crucified, rather than be a crucifier. Be treated unjustly, rather than treat anyone unjustly. Be oppressed, rather than be an oppressor. Be gentle rather than zealous. Lay hold of goodness, rather than justice.
-- Isaac of Nineveh -
A zealous Savior ought to have zealous disciples.
-- J. C. Ryle -
Pelagianism is the natural heresy of zealous Christians who are not interested in theology.
-- J. I. Packer -
A library of wisdom, is more precious than all wealth, and all things that are desirable cannot be compared to it. Whoever therefore claims to be zealous of truth, of happiness, of wisdom or knowledge, must become a lover of books.
-- Plato -
Remember that each of us has his own cross. The Golgotha of this cross is our heart: it is being lifted or implanted through a zealous determination to live according to the Spirit of God. Just as salvation of the world is by the Cross of God, so our salvation is by our crucifixion on our own cross.
-- Theophan the Recluse -
Chess is difficult, it demands work, serious reflection and zealous research.
-- Wilhelm Steinitz -
Upon thy cheek I lay this zealous kiss, as seal to the indenture of my love.
-- William Shakespeare -
As for joy, as little as one can have of it in this life, experience shows that it is not the idle who possess it, but those who are zealous in the service of God.
-- Ignatius of Loyola -
I like the fervor of religious music, the zealous aspect - that preachers can go from a conversational cadence into this passionate singing.
-- Yannis Philippakis -
Nothing could be more beneficial for even the most zealous searcher for knowledge than his being in fact most learned in that very ignorance which is peculiarly his own; and the better a man will have known his own ignorance, the greater his learning will be.
-- Nicholas of Cusa -
Leaders can only lead willing, preferably zealous followers so don't get too far out in front of your team.
-- Nick Morgan