Acknowledgement famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • The universe is intentional. It is always moving in the direction of greater love, regardless whether or not we consciously align with that love.

  • Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke.

  • Such is the privilege of genius; it perceives, it seizes relations where vulgar eyes see only isolated facts.

  • Of all the arts the living of a life is perhaps the greatest; to live every moment of life with the same imaginative commitment as the poet brings to a special field.

  • The chilly December day! two shivering bicycle mechanics from Dayton, Ohio first felt their homemade contraption whittled out of hickory sticks, gummed together with Arnstein's bicycle cement, stretched with muslin they'd sewn on their sister's sewing machine in their own backyard on Hawthorn Street in Dayton, Ohio, soar into the air above the dunes and the wide beach at Kitty Hawk.

  • At the end of the week, it's nice to just hang out in a pair of jeans and let my hair down. I need a break from all that fashion!

  • Never ask advice from someone who has something at stake or something to lose from your decision. The more objective the person is the greater value you should place on the input.

  • Always watch where you are going. Otherwise, you may step on a piece of the Forest that was left out by mistake.

  • I am rich because I sell a lot of books, but it's not my drive.

  • There was, like, this black hole where the world used to be, and we were both falling toward it. What could we hold on to?