Keepsakes famous quotes


  • I do not sing nor play, but I adore music, particularly Chopin. I like him because I cannot understand him.

  • I have been really lucky in my career, with the diversity of it. I get to play really complex people.

  • The minute you stop expecting life to be simple, fair and easy... it becomes simple, fair and easy.

  • Find the stories that unite us

  • A few years ago, maybe it was more strange to be outside of the centers of fashion. Now, with the Internet and traveling that you can do, I think I'm more central than some people in Paris.

  • if you force yourself to be the same as everyone else. It causes neuroses, psychoses, and paranoia. it's a distortion of nature, it goes against God's laws, for in all the world's woods and forests he did not create a single leaf the same as another.

  • One of the most original and poetic works of cinema made anywhere in the seventies.

  • Bebop has set music back twenty years.

  • Founders v. Bush brings the wisdom and eloquence of the Founding Fathers back to the people, while unmasking the fraudulent PR machine that is corrupting their words and stealing our legacy.

  • What has spread all over the world is not yoga. It is not even non-yoga; it is un-yoga.