Bits And Pieces famous quotes


  • One of the things I always underscore when I teach criticism is that young critics, or would be critics, frequently have this illusion that if they write about music they're somehow part of music, or if they write about movies they're part of movies, or of they write about theater they're part of theater, or write about literature. Writing is a part of literature, we belong the species of literature. If you add all the music reviews together that have ever been written, they don't create two notes of music.

  • You've got to be ready for everything. When it comes to everyone's opinion, that's what you've got to go through.

  • Turning someone away who wants to come near you, just because of your pride is also a form of mistake.

  • Seek to make life henceforth a consecrated thing; that so, when the sunset is nearing, with its murky vapors and lowering skies, the very clouds of sorrow may be fringed with golden light. Thus will the song in the house of your pilgrimage be always the truest harmony. It will be composed of no jarring, discordant notes; but with all its varied tones will form one sustained, life-long melody; dropped for a moment in death, only to be resumed with the angels, and blended with the everlasting cadences of your Father's house.

  • No matter what age people are, I hope the lesson is to be engaged. Understand what your government is doing. Follow them. Ask questions. There is a price to be paid for speaking truth to power, but you can live through it.

  • You have to learn to love the small things in life, like a hot bath. You have to love the small things, when you have nothing else

  • Today's terrorists are pursuing a distinct route. They are increasingly attacking civilians in symbolic targets, such as those of economic importance, or venues of bustling life like public transportation or entertainment, like nightclubs.

  • If Christ justifies you, He will sanctify you! He will not save you and leave you in your sins.

  • I never believe I'm presenting objective reality; I also don't want to delude people into thinking that my subject is talking directly to them.

  • God made the world, My Lord, and looked at it, and saw that it was good. Yes. But what if the world had looked back at him, to see whether he was good or not?