Howlin Wolf famous quotes


  • I want a performance style that's more cerebral and emotional than physical. I want to be a creative artist, not a whirling dervish.

  • The church is not built on the rock foundation of geniuses and influencers but of apostles and prophets.

  • You can't triple stamp a double stamp!

  • There aren't very many notable Native American female figures historically. That's the way that it's been. Pocahontas and Sacajawea.

  • On that day, we couldn't reach the conclusion whose hero is the strongest. And today when we are 41 years old, we can protect neither the Earth nor the women we love. We are now just the anti-heroic men, struggling with everyday life. Those boys wo wanted to become heroes... where did they all go? Whose heroes can we become at the end?

  • Allowing myself to love God completely has obviously shed light on my self-love because he loves me more than I could ever love myself.

  • With age come the inner, the higher life. Who would be forever young, to dwell always in externals?

  • An enormous amount of direct advertising from pharmaceutical companies are offering a kind of instantaneous solution to problems.

  • A leader needs enough understanding to fashion an intelligent strategy.

  • The so-called Real World. Human misery and sadness. Blind politics and general cruelty.