Hallucinations famous quotes
52 minutes ago
Lack of awareness of the basic unity of organism and environment is a serious and dangerous hallucination.
-- Alan Watts -
Truth! Truth! Truth! crieth the Lord of the Abyss of Hallucinations
-- Aleister Crowley -
I wanted to make a film that gave the people who took LSD at that time the hallucinations that you get with that drug, but without hallucinating,
-- Alejandro Jodorowsky -
Is it mad to pray for better hallucinations?
-- Alice Liddell -
Any attempt to dismiss a phenomenon that is not understood merely by explaining it as hallucination becomes irrelevant when a coherent scientific theory can be applied.
-- Amit Goswami -
Chemically induced hallucinations, delusions and raptures may be frightening or wonderfully gratifying; in either case they are in the nature of confidence tricks played on one's own nervous system.
-- Arthur Koestler -
There was only the cemetery itself, spread out in the moonlight like a soft grey hallucination, a stony wilderness of Victorian melancholy.
-- Audrey Niffenegger -
A hallucination is a fact, not an error; what is erroneous is a judgment based upon it.
-- Bertrand Russell -
One ape's hallucination is another ape's religious experience - it just depends on which one’s god module is overactive at the time.
-- Charles Stross -
All observers not laboring under hallucinations of the senses are agreed, or can be made to agree, about facts of sensible experience, through evidence toward which the intellect is merely passive, and over which the individual will and character have no control.
-- Chauncey Wright -
Maniacal suicide. —This is due to hallucinations or delirious conceptions. The patient kills himself to escape from an imaginary danger or disgrace, or to obey a mysterious order from on high, etc.
-- Emile Durkheim -
Kings are not born: they are made by artificial hallucination.
-- George Bernard Shaw -
Hallucinations and illusions are not facts useful for scientific investigation.
-- Goparaju Ramachandra Rao -
I'll never forget it. I was starting to hike up the red rocks, and honestly, it was as if I heard the rock say, 'You have the answers. You are your teacher.' I thought I was having an auditory hallucination.
-- Gwyneth Paltrow -
It is not materialism that is the chief curse of the world, as pastors teach, but idealism. Men get into trouble by taking their visions and hallucinations too seriously.
-- H. L. Mencken -
Really good music isn't just to be heard, you know? It's almost like a hallucination
-- Iggy Pop -
I think it's a lovely hallucination but I love it sorta.
-- Jack Kerouac -
With friends like these, who needs hallucinations?
-- John Astin -
Aside from the nagging, he's the most entertaining hallucination I've ever had.
-- Kirsten Miller -
Reading is a socially acceptable form of hallucination.
-- Laura Furman -
Maybe hallucinations are just another reality that we don't see most of the time
-- Lynne Ewing -
I'm not completely sure we aren't all living in a hallucination now.
-- Marc Maron -
If you understand hallucination and illusion, you don't blindly follow any leader. You must know if the person is sane or insane, over the abyss.
-- Marguerite Young -
Actually, I do happen to resemble a hallucination. Kindly note my silhouette in the moonlight." The cat climbed into the shaft of moonlight and wanted to keep talking but was asked to be quiet. "Very well, I shall be silent," he replied, "I shall be a silent hallucination.
-- Mikhail Bulgakov -
Psychotic hallucinations, whether they are visual or vocal, they address you. They accuse you. They seduce you. They humiliate you. They jeer at you. You interact with them.
-- Oliver Sacks -
Well that's the nicest thing a beer induced hallucination has ever said to me.
-- Rocko -
That little green drink inspired hallucination is right!
-- Rocko -
I respectfully decline the invitation to join your hallucination.
-- Scott Adams -
In the end, a vision without the ability to execute it is probably a hallucination.
-- Steve Case -
What we call reality is in fact nothing more than a culturally sanctioned and linguistically reinforced hallucination.
-- Terence McKenna -
Having a vision for what you want is not enough...Vision without execution is hallucination
-- Thomas A. Edison -
I prefer hallucinations cause they tend to make more sense than experience.
-- Todd Rundgren -
Vision w/o execution is just hallucination. You need the right combination of visionary + team that can execute
-- Walter Isaacson -
A vision, without a plan, is just a hallucination.
-- Will Rogers -
Hallucinations are an inner experience in which most of the time you forget you're there.
-- Gaspar Noe -
H. L. Mencken suffers from the hallucination that he is H. L. Mencken - there is no cure for a disease of that magnitude.
-- Maxwell Bodenheim