Delete Button famous quotes


  • The American woman is more stylish than any other in the world. She understands the power of good style and has the confidence to feel comfortable.

  • The face of a lover is an unknown, precisely because it is invested with so much of oneself. It is a mystery, containing, like all mysteries, the possibility of torment.

  • Who can really say who invents something first in fashion?

  • I like progress but I hate change.

  • It turns out that the word atheism means much less than I had thought. It is merely the lack of theism.

  • I just find that with music I've always felt a sort of comfort.

  • It is our task to inquire into the causes that have brought about the observed differentiation, and to investigate the sequence of events that have led to the establishment of the multifarious forms of human life

  • My hair is so scary that if you saw it walking down the street, you'd cross to the other side. This humidity is not helping. It's just an excuse for my hair to let its frizz flag fly.

  • In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful.

  • I think context, location matters a lot. Because location obviously in my situation, it's the space in which the work is going to be exhibited. And since some of the work I do is created onsite, it requires a different type of space, versus the smaller drawings or more subject-oriented work. So that the context becomes important.