Limbo famous quotes


  • Is there any other democracy where the voters are as spoiled as they are in the United States? Especially, of course, in certain states, such as Iowa and New Hampshire, where the old joke is literally true about the citizens who say they haven't yet formed an opinion about a candidate because they've only met the fellow a few times.

  • And I think that a woman as chancellor can also serve as a good example,.

  • Love to faults is always blind, always is to joy inclined. Lawless, winged, and unconfined, and breaks all chains from every mind.

  • Music and culture are intrinsically improvisational, existential.

  • The truth is that entrepreneurship is more like a roller coaster ride than a cruise.

  • The photographer Ruth Bernhard used to tell me that this is like asking somebody how they evolved their signature. It is not something I've ever worked on consciously. I think style is just the end result of personal experience. It would be problematic for me to photograph in another style. I'm drawn to places and subject matter that have personal connections for me and I photograph in a way that seems right. Where does it all come from, who knows?

  • Prosperity often presages adversity.

  • A desperate disease requires a dangerous remedy.

  • I just think that the qualities of leadership are unknown even to the leader until he's tested and given a challenge.

  • I'm not sure if we're going to or not because what happens is I'd always love to see certain characters back, there's so many. Some of it has to do with, if we want them back, are they available and the other aspect is do they fit with the storyline we're telling.