Chemicals famous quotes
Chemical weapons are something that scares everybody.
-- Abdallah II -
The symptom of love is when some of the chemicals inside you go bad. So there must be something in love because your chemicals do tell you something.
-- Andy Warhol -
I consider nature a vast chemical laboratory in which all kinds of composition and decompositions are formed.
-- Antoine Lavoisier -
Modern life would not be possible if it were not for chemicals, nor would modern natural gas production.
-- Aubrey McClendon -
Feelings are like chemicals, the more you analyze them the worse they smell.
-- Charles Kingsley -
The cosmetic industry seems to be a wholesale dumping ground for just about every single type of chemical that exists.
-- David Wolfe -
The chemicals in the dishwashing process tend not to be good for saucepans.
-- Delia Smith -
Every chemical reaction has a transition state.
-- Derek Barton -
The issue is that [Saddam] has chemical weapons.
-- Dick Cheney -
Radioactivity is shown to be accompanied by chemical changes in which new types of matter are being continually produced. .... The conclusion is drawn that these chemical changes must be sub-atomic in character.
-- Ernest Rutherford -
My Chemical Romance is done. But it can never die.
-- Gerard Way -
The physiologist who succeeds in penetrating deeper and deeper into the digestive canal becomes convinced that it consists of a number of chemical laboratories equipped with various mechanical devices.
-- Ivan Pavlov -
It is more likely that more than a century will pass before we know the structure of the chemical atoms as thoroughly as we do our solar system.
-- Johannes Stark -
We are perhaps not far removed from the time when we shall be able to submit the bulk of chemical phenomena to calculation.
-- Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac -
If sound is music and came from silence, then silence is potentially greater than sound. If the sound is effective, it should actually have a chemical - some sort of physiological - effect on the listener, so he doesn't have to hear that sound again.
-- Keith Jarrett -
But the nature of my main work in chemistry can be better represented by more than 280 English publications, of which roughly 200 concern the theory of chemical reactions and related subjects.
-- Kenichi Fukui -
I was also interested in formulating the path of chemical reactions.
-- Kenichi Fukui -
In 1893 I founded a chemical company which I ran until 1899.
-- Leo Baekeland -
An aggressor nation or extremist group could gain control of critical switches and derail passenger trains, or trains loaded with lethal chemicals.
-- Leon Panetta -
I have a healthy body, free of the chemicals that once controlled it.
-- Lorna Luft -
Experiences are the chemicals of life with which the philosopher experiments
-- Manly Hall -
Proteins are the machinery of living tissue that builds the structures and carries out the chemical reactions necessary for life.
-- Michael Behe -
Success is little more than a chemical compound of man with moment.
-- Philip Guedalla -
I'm such a control freak, and it's very hard for me to lose my inhibitions without something chemical inside me.
-- Pink -
I wanted to understand the secrets behind my chemical experiments and behind the processes in nature.
-- Richard Ernst -
The instruments, glassware, and chemical reagents necessary for my project were the same as my 19th-century predecessors had.
-- Rita Levi-Montalcini -
The ingestion of brain-altering chemicals - legal or illegal - cannot be categorized as good stewardship of our earthly lives.
-- Salvatore J. Cordileone -
I listen to everything. I love The Chemical Brothers.
-- Saoirse Ronan -
The moon develops the imagination, as chemicals develop photographic images.
-- Sheila Ballantyne -
You walk into a room, see a woman, and something happens. It's chemical. What are you going to do about it?
-- Theodore Dreiser -
There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance.
-- Tom Cruise -
We expected, I expected to find actual usable, chemical or biological weapons after we entered Iraq.
-- Tony Blair -
I allow an area for improvisation because the chemical things actors bring to stories make it not work.
-- Vincente Minnelli -
In the first quarter of the nineteenth century the experimental proof for the interdependence of the composition and properties of chemical compounds resulted in the theory that they are mutually related, so that like composition governs like properties, and conversely.
-- Wilhelm Ostwald -
There is just no acceptable level of any chemical to ingest, ever.
-- Vani Hari -
When you're not putting a bunch of chemicals into everbody, people tend not to fly off the handle.
-- Blake Judd -
I think there's something your hormones do that makes a chemical change in the way you think.
-- Boots Riley -
I am really concerned about all of the chemicals. Global warming is another huge one, but the amount of chemicals being used in like laundry detergents and fertilizers is concerning.
-- Mason Jennings -
I'm allergic to chemicals in food so I eat only organic foods.
-- Carol Channing -
The planet isn't improvising, it's creating dynamic tensions between complex living systems in a planetary choreography, a balancing act between physical, chemical, biological, environmental, and human components.
-- DJ Spooky -
Food compulsion isn't a character disorder; it's a chemical disorder.
-- Robert Atkins