Birthday Cake famous quotes


  • Don't say it's impossible! Turn your command over to the next officer. If he can't do it, I'll find someone who can, even if I have to take him from the ranks!

  • Political corruption is to Rhode Islanders as smog is to people who live in Los Angeles: nobody complains of its absence, but when it rolls around everyone feels right at home.

  • I promote peace and positivity.

  • At a certain R.P.M., there's only one way for blood to leave your body, and that's through your eyeballs. That means you're dead.

  • Take every failure as an experience, cause to be successful you need experience.

  • At the end of every year, I add up the time that I have spent on the phone on hold and subtract it from my age. I don't count that time as really living. I spend more and more time on hold each year. By the time I die, I'm going to be quite young.

  • The weakest faith gets the same strong Christ as does the strongest faith.

  • Can't is for pussies.

  • I will try to account for the degree of my aesthetic emotion. That, I conceive, is the function of the critic.

  • Never trust second thoughts. Next thing you know there'll be a third and a'll be thinking forever!