Be Remembered By famous quotes


  • Anyway, I try to be a good guy. I try to tell the truth, but I'm not religious.

  • Being six feet off the ground does give one a sense of superiority.

  • On going vegetarian." I was sitting here eating my plate of chicken salad, and suddenly I looked down and saw all the meat on my plate and just wasn't hungry anymore. So i've decided I'm not going to eat meat."

  • They were frightfully angry. Quite apart from the stones no spider has ever liked being called Attercop, and Tomnoddy of course is insulting to anybody.

  • What I've realized over the years is that I have some pretty good friends.

  • Comedy pays the bills if I can't find a film.

  • There are 190,000 privately-owned full-auto guns in the National Registry.

  • The onset of bayonets in the hands of the valiant is irresistible.

  • An idea is like a play. It needs a good producer and a good promoter even if it is a masterpiece. Otherwise the play may never open; or it may open but, for a lack of an audience, close after a week. Similarly, an idea will not move from the fringes to the mainstream simply because it is good; it must be skillfully marketed before it will actually shift people's perceptions and behavior.

  • Whoever invented spray cheese had to have been a Harvard guy.