Nye famous quotes


  • One of the things I have learned over 26 years in the business is that the most productive place to focus new business efforts on is current clients. Think about it you have the relationship, you have inside knowledge of the company, the people and often, the brand, so it's a much less diverting exercise. Simply put, the odds of getting a higher share with current clients is much better than getting in the front door with new ones.

  • The corset is?a mutilation, undergone for the purpose of lowering the subject's vitalityand rendering her permanentlyand obviously unfit for work.

  • Language is the main instrument of man's refusal to accept the world as it is.

  • In therapy I have learned the importance of keeping spiritual life and professional life balanced. I need to regain my balance.

  • There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.

  • My music is just as much me as it is everybody else.

  • There are very few honest friends--the demand is not particularly great.

  • I like gambling on stuff that you don't know anything about. That's when it's exciting.

  • Giving a veteran a flag is not a substitute for giving our vets the quality health care they were promised

  • You cannot trust Jesus in areas in which you don't think him competent.