Legends And Myths famous quotes


  • I realize that I'm in the twilight of my career.

  • I hope they understand that I really understand That they don't understand

  • I can't eat before I go onstage because I've learnt that burping on stage isn't a good thing. It's all about acid reflux.

  • All writers have this vague hope that the elves will come in the night and finish any stories.

  • People never move towards revolution; they are pushed towards it by intolerable injustices in the economic and social order under which they live.

  • Misery, in cold truth, is a weight less upon those who undergo it than upon the minds of those who see it; for he who is cold and starving is so busy in his efforts to obtain warmth and food that he has little time for self-pity, and endures his unhappy condition better than those who take it upon themselves to suffer for him.

  • The number of arguments is unimportant unless some of them are correct.

  • It's hard enough doing something bold without jumping into your bad reviews.

  • Planning is not my friend. Impulse is.

  • For me, I think everybody with half a heart tries to do their best to do their part of good during the holiday season.