Saigon famous quotes


  • We’re in the Customer Service business—we just happen to provide airline transportation.

  • And I fly planes all the time. And helicopters.

  • I let it all out--my mom's date,my dad's conversation,my confusion about it all.Caleb doesn't laugh,he doesn't pull away,he doesn't talk .. He just lets me be me. When I settle down,I lean back and witness the mess I've made on his shirt."I made ur shirt all gross," I say between sniffles. "Forget the shirt.What's going on? I could.nt understand a word you mumbled into my chest." Now I'm half laughing and half crying.

  • If you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon.

  • I'm trying to be a professional singer. ... I've never been given the chance before. But here's hoping it'll change.

  • I wonder, only in passing, whether the indelible ornamentation that man inscribes upon his own epidermis does not respond to a nostalgia for the universal internally generated coloring of corrollas, furs, shells, carapaces and wings. For man it has been necessary to create both works and tools outside of himself. But it may be that he retains an obscure nostalgia to create them on his own body, to make them a part of it rather than projecting them outwards onto an independent surface, where he is free to retouch them as he sees fit, which is precisely what painting and art are.

  • Imagining that you are deep and complex, but others are simple, is one of the primary signs of malignant selfishness.

  • Most of today's black convicts have come to understand that they are the most abused victims of an unrighteous order.

  • I'm very, very jealous of guys who just go and decide to party and then can work the next day.

  • Man has always been half-monster, half-dreamer.