Smart Women famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Yes, I'm having a baby. I think it's so hard as a woman to give yourself a break. It's great to be healthy but you have to set a good example for your kids and know that it's not about a number on a scale but how you feel.

  • The highest state is laughter.

  • There is no great genius without a mixture of madness.

  • The assumption that seeing is believing makes us susceptible to visual deception.

  • That's what true love should be like-the person should be part of your soul and you should know what they're feeling all the time.

  • In any event, colonization and the grant of lands were provincial matters.

  • Soap is another article in great demand--the Continental allowance is too small, and dear, as every necessary of life is now got, a soldier's pay will not enable him to purchase, by which means his consequent dirtiness adds not a little to the disease of the Army.

  • I think it's a very strange question that I have to defend myself. I don't feel that. You are all my guests, it's not the other way around, that's how I feel.

  • one never knows really how things are with other people, they just do always seem more spirited than oneself somehow.

  • I wrote my first book at eight, all of four pages. At 10, I did a 40-page story. At 12, I wrote two stage plays.