Poisonous famous quotes


  • Fighting for social justice is not about leaving the mainstream. It is about being right in the middle of it.

  • The fact is that heterosexual sex for most people is in no way free of the power relations between men and women.

  • All my life I've dealt with politicians. I know politicians better than anybody. And honestly, if you can't deal with a politician, there's something wrong with you.

  • What's so good about a heaven where, one of these days, you're going to get your embarrassing old body back?

  • What I got out of it was a great experience working with great people and it becoming a tremendous - basically - a family at the end that none of us wanted to leave.

  • We are social animals and we have a hierarachical and unequal society. It is a class society, and the class system creates and perpetuates the social role of consumption. We display our class membership and solidify our class positioning in large part through money, through what we have. Consumption is a way of verifying what you have and earn.

  • Well, you know my number one cause has always been that women's reproductive health needs to be protected.

  • If there are things saying wrong about Sam Allardyce, believe you me, I will be fighting them.

  • Compassion leads to freedom of discovering your voice, your gifts, and your purpose.

  • If you have to put on a haz-mat suit to visit a farm, you may not want to eat what comes from it.