Ultimate Freedom famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • Isla [Fisher] is so pretty we were trying to decide who the hell should play against her that would intimidate her, and one day I said, "You know...this was before Superman had come out, Superman v. Batman: The Court Room Drama I like to call it.

  • You couldn't have fed the '50s into a computer and come out with the '60s.

  • If something is not good enough, stop doing it.

  • History is too often the refuge of the tidy-minded, making neat patterns when the dust has settled.

  • Something can happen in your life, and you might want and need something different from your spouse. Most people forget that you have to create relationships. The allure of the first years settles down, and at that moment, you better start creating it; otherwise, you're going to lose out.

  • I have no plans to trade Paul Pierce.

  • [Wind energy] takes a very large footprint on the land, five to 10 times what you'd use for nuclear, and typically to get one gigawatt of electricity is on the order of 250 square miles of wind farm.

  • When one has not had a good father, one must create one.

  • When you cease from labour, fill up your time in reading, meditation, and prayer: and while your hands are labouring, let your heart be employed, as much as possible, in divine thoughts.

  • Blessings often give rise to injury, so be careful when things are going your way. Success may be achieved after failure, so don't just give up when you've been disappointed.