Fins famous quotes


  • I didn't start grieving for my mother properly until I was maybe 16.

  • There is no way to ease the burden. The voyage leads on from harm to harm, A land of others and of silence.

  • There is nothing more dangerous than a philosopher who wants to change the world

  • I don't want to be creating new foreign policy for - for my country or in any way to distance myself in the foreign policy of - of our nation, but we respect the right of a nation to defend itself.

  • You can't argue with what is.... Well, you can, but if you do, you suffer.

  • At first I was laboring under the impression that Chinese lyrics didn't rhyme. That turned out to be untrue - they don't rhyme in translation.

  • Democratic nation states remain far more capable of managing the circuit of coercion, taxation and legitimation than any transnational bodies.

  • We have got to be watchful, for I tell you God has sent us here to test us and to prove us. We were true in keeping our first estate. The people that are here today stood loyally by God and by Jesus and they did not flinch. If you had flinched, then you would not be here with the Priesthood upon you. The evidence that you were loyal, that you were true, and that you did not waver is to be found in the fact that you have received the Gospel-and the everlasting Priesthood.

  • I do the best I can with any instrument I get attracted to. But they're just tools in order for you to express yourself and that's really the upshot of it.

  • No one bothered reading the books and understanding - and again, I'm not being high-falutin' about it - but I think our books are great literature with great metaphors of real life dealing with fears and hopes.