Staying Single famous quotes


  • Forgive me if what has seemed little to you, to me is all.

  • Reading is not an end to itself, but a means to an end.

  • People who have been wronged will attempt to right the wrong; they would not be people if they didn't. They can rarely afford to be scrupulous about the means they will use. They will use such means as come to hand. Neither, in the main, will they distinguish one oppressor from another, nor see through to the root principle of their oppression.

  • I grew up where my parents would literally shove me in the car rather than have to say hello to a neighbor.

  • I write my music with the idea that it will appeal to all of those people, and I want them to go in with all the history that's within all of us - all the things that they've listened to in the backs of their minds, whether it's country music or minimal techno, or classical music or whatever. I want them to bring that excitement, that love, or that hate, or whatever it might be, to my music. I feel that my music draws on so many different things.

  • A team divided against itself can break down at any moment. The least bit of pressure or adversity will crack it apart

  • Having love is more important than having a lover

  • What's near and dear to my heart is cooperative conservation.

  • Salvation lies not in the faithfulness to forms, but in the liberation from them.

  • Giving in to the forces of low ambition would be an act of climate appeasement. This is our Munich moment.