Good Fortune famous quotes


  • If Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana were "candles in the wind," and Anna Nicole Smith was a bonfire in a hailstorm, and Lindsay Lohan is an electric toaster thrown intentionally into a Jacuzzi, then Paris Hilton s a strobe light in an epilepsy ward.

  • Hey, come on, I've seen younger faces on money. Money.

  • As we sometimes find one thing while we are looking for another, so, if truth escaped me, happiness and contentment fell in my way.

  • With psychedelics, if you're fortunate and break through, you understand what is truly of value in life. Material, power, dominance, and territory have no value. People wouldn't fight wars, and the whole system we have currently would fall apart. People would become peaceful, loving citizens, not robots marching around in the dark with all their lights off.

  • Dogs change lives. Half Buddha, half Bozo, they keep us tethered to the earth, and teach us to fly. Our dogs are our sanity keepers.

  • Some truth has no nourishment in it.

  • I don't really read books. Wish I did.

  • I grew up in northern California, where it was consistently in the hundreds in the summertime. My dad didn't think he should have to turn on the air conditioning when we had a swimming pool in our backyard; it was our built-in air conditioner.

  • If you do a great job in one thing, people look at you that way and it's hard to break out of that.

  • Ever since boyhood I've made a religion of keeping in shape by regular, conscientious exercise.