Wild Life famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • If I'm going to call myself a person of faith, I need to be willing to live a life that actually requires faith.

  • I have traveled the entire state and spent a lot of time out of doors. So I have known the landscape of the Columbia Basin for quite a while, and I have had this strong feeling about it for many years.

  • I guess I like who I am now. I'd just like to have a little more internal peace. I'm sure everybody would.

  • The Argentineans practice on the court for two hours a day, then they must practice in front of a mirror for two more hour saying 'I'm not guilty.'

  • It has always been a source of serious reflection and sincere regret with me that the youth of the United States should be sent to foreign countries for the purpose of education. Although there are many who escape the danger of contracting principles unfavorable to republican governments, yet we ought to deprecate the hazard attending ardent and susceptible minds from being too strongly and too early prejudiced in favor of other political systems, before they are capable of appreciating their own.

  • I would rather be a preacher in a pulpit than a prince on a throne

  • His face was just strange enough that she wanted to keep looking at it.

  • There's no disillusionment like learning that forbidden fruit can be unpleasant.

  • The Ady Gil, a Sea Shepherd vessel, it's a fast patrol boat, was sitting still in the water when the Shonan Maru #2 came by, deliberately turned into it, rammed it, cut it in half, sunk it and destroyed it.

  • There are very few innocent sentences in writing.