Cooking Love famous quotes


  • The obsessive documentation is itself adjacent to hyper-consumption in our society. The desire to just have everything all the time and adjacent to that is - it might be a little hokey but - a certain loss of identity that then only gets sort of found or ascribed to these moments that are documented. If so much of your experience is devoted to the thought of documentation, you're already sort of spinning out this narrative from this moment that you are attempting to control instead of just experiencing it.

  • Lazy poets try to elicit a reader's response with words designed to tug at the heart.

  • The soul knows no greater anguish than to take a breath that begins with love and ends with grief.

  • We real cool. We Left school. We Lurk late. We Strike straight. We Sing sin. We Thin gin. We Jazz June. We Die soon.

  • Behind me the branches of a wasted and sterile existence are cracking.

  • But Americans are different from everyone else in the world - except the Canadians, and Americans are more different from the Canadians than they often think.

  • Let us preach Christ, let us be faithful to proclaiming the Gospel, but let's leave judgment in the hands of God.

  • Mankind needs peace more than ever, for our entire planet, threatened by nuclear war, is in danger of total destruction. A destruction only man can provoke, only man can prevent.

  • There is no skepticism without science and the scientific method. It's about how we know what we know.

  • If you want to end your isolation, you must be honest about what you want at a core level and decide to go after it.