Overalls famous quotes


  • All governments are run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.

  • Tenacity is when you follow your heart - when the whole world is screaming to get back into your head

  • I feel lucky to live at a time when the dominant tennis players are Venus and Serena Williams. And to have lived through the success of a whole slew of boxers and feel I could invest emotionally and psychologically in their victories, and identify with them in their struggles.

  • Do you know anybody who's come back with a firsthand report on heaven? If you do, let me know. Until then, you'll pardon me if I don't buy it.

  • Shakespeare has had neither equal nor second.

  • When I die, just keep playing the records.

  • The heart is cooking a pot of food for you. Be patient until it is cooked

  • The day you open your mind to music, you're halfway to opening your mind to life.

  • Touch and away, Jack?’ asked Stephen. ‘Touch and away? Do you not recall that I have important business there? Enquiries of the very first interest?’ To do with our enterprise? To do with this voyage?’ Perhaps not quite directly.

  • For the whole world, without a native home, Is nothing but a prison of larger room.