Happy Halloween famous quotes


  • Generosity is a practical expression of Love.

  • Sweet is the recollection of difficulties overcome.

  • Figure skating is theatrical. It's artistic. It's elegant. It's extremely athletic. And there's a very specific audience for that.

  • Why all these years have I been agreeably turning down the stereo every time the phone rings?

  • Man can learn everything if he will but try.

  • I think gold is made for kings and pharaohs - that's what I am.

  • I sound like Homer. I mean Winslow Homer.

  • I know what’s best for the President. I put him in the White house. He does well when he listens to me and poorly when he does not.

  • Routine is really important. However late you went to bed the night before, or however much you had to drink, get up at the same time each day and get on with it.

  • A Christian is never dependent on the response of others to grow spiritually. It's our own heart's decisions that matter