Shining Star famous quotes


  • Cinema for me is an area of philosophy and artistic statement.

  • By my 40s, I finally got out of my own way, so I could become a life creator; a life giver.

  • Misfortunes have their dignity and their redeeming power.

  • I think if you've won one, quit while you're ahead. I loved doing it, though. If you get an opportunity that great, grab it, as it won't come along again. Until I read in the papers I did it to 'rescue my career'.

  • Liberals have always opposed the concept of an independent nuclear deterrent.

  • The needs of the times will teach you what to do.

  • Women prefer emotions to reasoning.

  • The differences between people need not act as barriers that wound, harm and drive us apart. Rather, these very differences among cultures and civilizations should be valued as manifestations of the richness of our shared creativity.

  • The function of sociology, as of every science, is to reveal that which is hidden.

  • There are souls which, crab-like, crawl continually toward darkness, going back in life rather than advancing in it, using what experience they have to increase their deformity, growing worse without ceasing, and becoming steeped more and more thoroughly in an intensifying wickedness.