Hanoi famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • The person you love is 72.8% water, and it hasn't rained for weeks.

  • Retirement: a brand new beginning! How wonderful!

  • All that remains is for a few dots and commas to be crossed.

  • When you watch an audience watching my movies, you realize that nobody laughs at the same time. Some people enjoy a beat, and then another group of people are laughing at a sight gag, and then someone laughs where nobody laughs before. They're not timed like a comedy. You're not supposed to laugh at every joke. You decide.

  • Sometimes losing a series regular, if you're going to replace them with another series regular, that will put added pressure on your budget.

  • Ladies Commit, There's A Wedding In It For You.

  • The comic world has its own limitations, as everything does. I adore it, I respect it, but it's not going to take over all of me.

  • I'm warning you with peace and love I have too much to do. So no more fan mail. Thank you, thank you. And no objects to be signed, nothing. Peace and love, peace and love.

  • Very good laws may be ill timed.

  • I've always used the technique of the cuento. I am an oral storyteller, but now I do it on the printed page. I think if we were very wise we would use that same tradition in video cassettes, in movies, and on radio.