Extraordinary Things famous quotes


  • I'm now beginning to feel that the pessimistic vision is not for the movies.

  • I never wanted to be home-schooled. I didn't like the idea of being home-schooled. It would only separate myself even further from the real world, and that's never what I wanted.

  • So then you have to say to yourself: Do I want to be rich, or do I want to do good work?

  • Sorry, Bex," Jason said "You don't have the recognizable facial characteristics - such as a huge chin, or a large amount of real estate between the eyes - that would merit the bestowing of a criminal mastermind nickname such as Lockjaw or Walleye. Whereas Crazytop here...well, just look at her." "Atleast I can blow-dry my hair straight," I pointed out. "Which is more than what I can say for your nose, Hawkface.

  • History is a better guide than good intentions.

  • Not all of us are called to be hermits, but all of us need enough silence and solitude in our lives to enable the deeper voice of our own self to be heard at least occasionally.

  • I don't have any blindness when it comes to my money. As an actor, you can get distracted by your work. I do keep an eye on my nest egg, if you will.

  • There were other Anti-Christs among the Nephites, but they were more military leaders than religious innovators... they are all of one breed and brand; so nearly alike that one mind is the author of them, and that a young and underdeveloped, but piously inclined mind. The evidence I sorrowfully submit, points to Joseph Smith as their creator. It is difficult to believe that they are a product of history, that they came upon the scene separated by long periods of time, and among a race which was the ancestral race of the red man of America.

  • The development of a tree depends on where it is planted.

  • I believe that politics takes a much different set of skills than science. Science is about getting to the truth. Politics is about what people think and how they react.