No matter what your cultural sophistication or what language you speak, everyone can understand images.
Death by starvation is slow.
Meditation is a great way to keep my body well-centered while juggling shooting schedules and recording sessions.
The big damages come if the climate sensitivity to greenhouse gases turns out to be high causing greater global warming than current projections. Then it's not a bullet headed at us, but a thermonuclear warhead.
On my recent trip to the Mexico border, Border Patrol agents in California told me they have arrested the same coyotes 20 times, but they are not prosecuted.
I started out wanting to coach football.
But you don't have your druthers in life, do you?
Every girl deserves to take part in creating the technology that will change our world and change who runs it.
The organized church sometimes puts boundaries on us that the Bible doesn't. So I'm living my life for an audience of one. I live my life to please God. Some people won't understand, but I don't give an account to some people.
Beyond the belief that something can be lost, there is nothing to lose.