True Strength famous quotes


  • Being comfortable isn't the way to learn to expand your abilities.

  • IT is now reaching out to fuels and chemicals, energy and clean tech, rockets, all kinds of bizarre industries that formerly didn’t face much competition.

  • I believe in the power of the imagination to remake the world, to release the truth within us, to hold back the night, to transcend death, to charm motorways, to ingratiate ourselves with birds, to enlist the confidences of madmen.

  • Russia had to take the necessary measures in order to prevent the situation in Crimea unfolding the way it is now unfolding in southeastern Ukraine. We didn't want any tanks, any nationalist combat units or people with extreme views armed with automatic weapons.

  • If I live to be 90, and I'm planning to, I'll always love performing for a live audience.

  • ...those who think that faith is superior to reason, and try to reason me into thinking that way; why don't they faith me into it?

  • I wrote a one-act play - I can't remember the name of it, but it was really about the way women are perceived as leaders. In the play, Catherine the Great would say things like, "You know, John F. Kennedy had extramarital affairs and no one says anything. But I bang one horse and now I'm a horse banger for all eternity? That's it? That's what I am?"

  • I once had a man break up with me. He said I was using him because right after making love I would weigh myself.

  • When I first met Lars [Von Trier] he was sat on the sofa wearing socks and sandals. He wanted me to imagine my cat had died. It took me a while to think about it, but then I felt myself physically crumble. I got myself into a state that was actually pretty hard to get out of.

  • Botox should be banned for actors, as ***** are for sportsmen. Acting is all about expression; why would you want to iron out a frown?