Contribution To Society famous quotes


  • I have always struggled with expressing emotion, I used to think I was a very hard person but music has shown me I'm a big softy! Writing songs to me really is like writing a diary, it's very private and very personal. My most emotional songs have been written alone in a locked room, I'm able to express myself there.

  • Seungri sounds mournful while T.O.P has a masculine and husky voice. My voice is thin, just like when I talk

  • If you are going to keep company with me, don't embarrass me.

  • He can be a great player in this league if he learns how to say two words: "I'm full."

  • None of us can take anything with us when we're gone. It's what we leave that's gonna matter.

  • If I switch showrunners and I get to stay on the show, I approach it like it's their show, and I'm here to write their music for them.

  • It's always flattering when somebody you really respect and like wants you to be involved in their project - let alone writes a part with your voice in mind.

  • What a blessing it is to love books. Everybody must love something, and I know of no objects of love that give such substantial and unfailing returns as books and a garden.

  • My look was even more solidified when I started singing in Greenwich Village with my sister Lucy. We wore matching dresses as the Simon Sisters.

  • Do you really believe ... that everything historians tell us about men – or about women – is actually true? You ought to consider the fact that these histories have been written by men, who never tell the truth except by accident.