Time And Energy famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • In fact, presidents and vice presidents are automatically audited by the IRS, which hasn't stopped other chief executives from making them public.

  • Chances are the movements of the euro as against the dollar will be relatively moderate.

  • The wind is the moon's imagination wandering.

  • Negotiation builds a team as well as a set of requirements.

  • I called my wife up on the cell phone and said baby you aint gonna believe this, i go, we just hit a deer with the airplane. and there was a silence on the other end of the line followed by.. OH MY GOD.! were you on the ground? I said nope, santa was makin one last run..

  • "Love covers a multitude of sins," (I Pet. 4:8). That is, for love towards one's neighbor, God forgives the sins of the one who loves.

  • I didn't do it (pitch like he did) for show. I did it to get batters out. Players would tell me, 'We can't tell where the ball is coming from.'

  • Don't wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life.

  • Men of power have no time to read; yet the men who do not read are unfit for power.

  • You want a hero in the music world? James Brown. He brought a feeling to music without really using words. He's just famous for his sound.