Airy famous quotes


  • The extent of one man's guilt may be defined by how much of it is experienced by the party he injured.

  • I'm conscious about what I wear, whether it's a game or an event.

  • I think the executives at the studios today realize that it's easier and safer to go the - to some known territory which is a remake of a successful film. It's less chancy than taking a fresh idea.

  • I'd like to think that when I sing a song, I can let you know all about the heartbreak, struggle, lies and kicks in the ***** I've gotten over the years for being black and everything else, without actually saying a word about it.

  • I'm excited about the aging process. I'm more interested in women who aren't perfect. They're more compelling.

  • Disco music in the '70s was just a call to go wild and party and dance with no thought or conscience or regard for tomorrow.

  • Don't wait till you are big before you begin building your brand. Build a brand from scratch alongside your business.

  • Germany is Europe's heart. But bitterness is widespread. Currently the Germans hate the Greeks and the Greeks hate the Germans. The demonization of the country has to stop if we want a strong Europe. So I am setting a positive example.

  • We know what we want. To us it means nothing that there is a Soviet Union somewhere in the world, for the sake of whose peace and tranquillity the workers of Germany and China were sacrificed to Fascist barbarians by Stalin. We want revolution here in Spain, right now, not maybe after the next European war. We are giving Hitler and Mussolini far more worry with our revolution than the whole Red Army of Russia. We are setting an example to the German and Italian working class on how to deal with Fascism.

  • I would rather be right and die than be wrong and kill.