Affordable Housing famous quotes
At some point in your life you have to engage with the fact that you are part of a society. Yeah the individual is the most important facet in society but unless every individual is the recipient of free health care, free education decent affordable housing and a proper pension then only the rich and powerful will be individuals and the rest of us will be exploited by them.
-- Billy Bragg -
The people who are working, paying their taxes are put into the system so that affordable housing could be built in neighborhoods that they probably live in that. That they may not want to, they may pay a premium so that they could live where they want to live and you end up with just another massive redistribution of wealth.
-- Eric Bolling -
I believe that when Paul Martin cancelled affordable housing across this country it produced a dramatic rise in homelessness and deaths due to homelessness and I've always said I hold him responsible for that.
-- Jack Layton -
A strong economy causes an increase in the demand for housing; the increased demand for housing drives real-estate prices and rentals through the roof. And then affordable housing becomes completely inaccessible.
-- William Baldwin