Great Inspirational famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Do what you say you will do.

  • It's easy to imagine an infinite number of situations where the government might legitimately give out false information,

  • It has been stated that a characteristic mark of a combination is surprise; surprise for the defender, not for the assailant, since otherwise the combination will probably be unsound.

  • I started reading and talking and interviewing nutritionists and a thread was starting to form for me which is-a protein digests in a different rate of speed than a carbohydrate.

  • We continue to receive reports that the morale of some elements is being damaged, .. They are being affected by the impunity with which NATO aircraft can operate over Kosovo and Serbia, the accuracy and the growing knowledge.. of deployed locations. In summary, NATO has eroded the capability of Milosevic's war machine and it is being further reduced as each day goes by.

  • It's like, it's up to the people to fall in love with the song. The record company can only do so much.

  • I been talkin' with my buddy, and he thinks I'm virgin enough fer the two of us.

  • We have crushed the whole force which dared to venture there. They were on the runway at Saddam International Airport. That force was crushed

  • I mean, I didn't - I should have demanded attention of the boss maybe, or something like that that might have backfired. This I would just take as it came.

  • It's a terrible thing being a patriarch. I don't even have a gray beard. But people keep calling me up for advice.